Friends and team.
I am at the Heredia Hospital in Costa Rica, where I am connected to all kinds of machines. This past Monday, I had a heart attack. While at the emergency room, someone prayed for me, and doctors were mesmerized by how well I looked and felt after such an event. I feel good, although the pain while I was in during the crisis was unbearable. No pain now, and I feel great!
I had been feeling exhausted for the last two weeks. I thought it was related to two things. One, I have been busy supporting my Venezuela team during the ongoing crisis, and I took a bike fall, and my chest had pain after. Then, last Saturday, while doing my volunteer service, my rescue ambulance was severely hit by a car while heading to a rescue call. I was at the back of the ambulance, and after, I felt unusual pain in my chest and shoulder. On Sunday night, I travelled to a province to see Andy at a hospital; he is a member of my support group who last week survived the bite of a poisonous viper. I have a Red Cross pass, and I get hospital visiting privileges. I had the first pain episode on Sunday night, shortly after my return. Extreme pain in my chest. I thought it was related to the ambulance crash. I had another two pain episodes that night.
Monday morning I had one more painful episode and by noon I decided to go to the hospital. The problem was that I did not have medical insurance since I was missing some paperwork I did not have. I went anyway, praying for a miracle. I asked to speak to the supervisor, who became sympathetic after I told her about the ambulance accident. I had lots of chest pain while talking to her, which, at that time, I thought was related to the ambulance accident. She reissued my insurance. This was a miracle because I was missing paperwork. Pastor Esteban drove me directly to the hospital. Esteban is the young pastor I am spending time with during my sabbatical.
Chest pain was excruciating. At the emergency room, they did triage and the first cardiogram. The doctor said most likely I was having a heart attack. I went for more tests, and it was confirmed I was having a heart attack. The pain was unbearable. While I was waiting for more test results, I had another episode of chest pain, and right at its peak, I received a phone call. I was so distracted with the pain, I was not sure who I was talking to, I did not even know if it was a man or a woman. All I remember is the person talking to me, whoever they were, prayed for me. Suddenly, I started to have a fantastic sensation of well-being only compared to when my two kids were born, when I was released from prison or when I met Christ. Suddenly, my blurry vision became clear, the chest pain started to fade, and I could breathe properly! Feeling this good felt strange, so I thought I was dying. I started feeling gleeful, and the next thing I was expecting was to go into a tunnel with a bright light at the end... instead, a doctor with a grim face came and said that they had decided to admit me to the hospital. I have been connected to monitors with IV and all kinds of medicament. I felt great, and the doctors were surprised by my recovery. A miracle is my conviction. Thanks to whoever called me and prayed for me!
The heart doctor came to see me yesterday. He said to plan for eight to ten more days at this resort at the latest. They will most likely put a stent. I am amazed and grateful for this hospital's fantastic quality of care. Jonathan is arriving from Canada this evening. Thanks for your prayers.
Please add these two requests to your prayers. Pray for my Venezuelan team. Pastor Jorge got stranded mid-way to Miranda, Venezuela, with our relief and construction supplies. It became too dangerous to continue the journey, and the same was true for the other members of our team who became stranded all over Venezuela. Pray for safety in their journey to the farm in Miranda, where we intend to build a greenhouse and the worm farm.
Pray for General U. He is a high-ranking Venezuelan military officer in charge of a large contingent of the Venezuelan National Guard and a committed Christian who has supported our ministry. I am trying to arrange a phone meeting to encourage him to step aside... It will be a hard decision for him since it is the equivalent of treason, with dire consequences; however, as leaders of this ministry, we should at least try to persuade him. Three out of four powerful gang leaders hired while in prison along with their men to provide protection to the current government have desisted from suppressing the uprising, with two of them joining local Christian fellowships; the fourth one was killed last week.
