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  • Writer's pictureAndrea Duarte

Venezuela: Eighth Update

Team and friends,

Team: On August 20th, I plan to travel to Cucuta, Colombia, to meet with the Patmos, Venezuela prison ministry team. If the borders are open, we will meet in Merida, Venezuela; if they are closed, we will meet in Cucuta. The goal of the meeting is to procure agricultural and humanitarian supplies, encourage the team, and start envisioning the ministry's future.   

Friends: here is a short update on Venezuela so you can pray specifically for our ministry and this country.

Four years ago, when we first were allowed to enter the largest Venezuelan penitentiaries, we did it with the endorsement of the gang leaders who had complete control of these prisons. We reached out to all the gang leaders and presented the gospel of reconciliation. A few months ago, we were informed that most gang members held in the penitentiaries were given "amnesty" under the condition of supporting the authorities if there were troubles during the upcoming election. Indeed, civil unrest is happening now. The condition for the amnesty was that the gang leaders and their men would join or lead the "colectivos," which are defined as: "Armed groups that function like a street gang. Most members have criminal records but are closely affiliated with the government. The UN Human Rights Commission describes them as para-police or paramilitary forces. Government opponents and protesters fear them far more than the police or the National Guard."

So far, we have had contact with four of the gang leaders who were released under those conditions. Two of these gang leaders have quit and are now attending Christian churches. One has publicly announced that he and his men will not partake in restricting this civil unrest. Lastly, the most powerful Venezuelan gang leader was put in charge of the "colectivo," responsible for protecting the Venezuelan national palace. Today, I received reliable news that the head of this "colectivo" in charge of protecting the palace was most likely "dado de baja" (killed). The reason: As it appears. This gang leader and his men were not tough enough to suppress protesters besieging the national palace. Somehow, it does not surprise me. Below is a copy of our last written interaction.  

Pastor Nery. Greetings from Venezuela prisons. We have paid attention to the messages you sent us from Ukraine. We know that those messages were sent to us by "Daddy" (God), and thank you for sharing them with the "union" (gang). We watch the news and realize you are in a dangerous place. You have remembered the prisoners, and God remembers you. Thank you for remembering us. Pastor Jorge walked with my dad years ago. They were tough "sicarios" (hitmen) over the "Andes" (east Venezuela). My old man (father) was discharged (killed) by the police. Pastor Nery, rest assured that this penitentiary's entire "union" (gang) remembers and prays for you. May God be with you as you serve in Ukraine. You are a brave man, and you certainly have our respect. You are now an honorary "tren" (gang) member. We do not know what will happen to us since we are also at war. Thank you for your care and for keeping an eye on us. RC  

My response:

Dear RC. Thank you for your encouraging note. I only have one response to you and all the men you have at your command. The quote is from the book of Habakkuk in the Bible: "He has shown O man what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? Act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with your God." Keep well, brother. Thanks for your prayers. Pastor Nery

Team and friends. Keep praying for Venezuela and our prison ministry team.


Plus, I just received this invitation.  Pray as I prepare my input for this conference which I intend to attend before returning to Ukraine.  Please consider conducting a 90-minute breakout session during our 2024 Global Gathering on the topic of Christian Humanitarian Relief Operations. This gathering will include pastors, spouses, staff leaders, volunteers, and Christian organizational partners from around the world.

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